
Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of children eligible for “free school meals” and children who are classified as “looked after”. This money also includes funding for pupils who have been eligible in the last six years.

We have set out our approach to how we spend this money in our Pupil Premium Policy below.


Extra curricular clubs

The breadth of extra-curricular activities, spanning the musical, artistic, social and sporting domains, are widely considered valuable life experiences that should be open to all young people, regardless of background or where they happen to live. Activities such as being a member of a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or attending a local youth group are thought to be enriching life experiences. Apart from their inherent value, it is often claimed that young people can also develop positive tangible outcomes from these experiences of interacting and working with others through organised extra-curricular activities, which could benefit them in later life.

As a school, we offer a free club per term for children who are pupil premium. If you would like your child to attend a club, please speak to the school office or your child's class teacher.

Here are the views of some of our school community on the extra curricular provision in school.


As part of our duty to be publicly accountable for this additional funding we are required to publish a report online. By doing so this ensures that parents and carers are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the premium and the extra support that they have received. We report termly to the governing body on the impact of the funding and the various interventions in place. Please see below for the latest report.


Mitigation to success

Patcham Junior School completed the course ‘Mitigation to Success' during 2022-23. The focus of the course was identifying pupil need, rather than being driven by superficial labels such as pupil premium or ‘vulnerable’, which is inherently problematic.

As part of the course, a pupil premium review (audit) was completed on 27/1/23 by an independent reviewer from the Durrington Research School in partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation.  

 The independent review was conducted over a morning. The purpose of the visit was a collaborative review of outcomes for disadvantaged learners and to see if the school was implementing lessons learnt from the Mitigation to success course. 

During the visit there were discussions with various members of staff, pupils and lesson observations with a focus on self-evaluation and current strategy for improving outcomes for disadvantaged learners, analysis of data both internal and a focus on end of key stage outcomes. Also, there was a discussion about the rationale and evidence for the school’s pupil premium funded activities, implementation, quality monitoring and impact evaluation. 

Below is the full report.
